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Saved by the Bell (TV Series)

TV Series. Comedy A follow-up series to the 1990s sitcom. A group of California low-income high school students are transferred to Pacific Palisades' wealthy Bayside High, following a program by California Governor Zack Morris.

Premiere: November 25, 2021 on Peacock.
Media Author Review
United States
"A pleasant surprise (...) [The creators] masterfully weave all the best parts of the original into this new iteration, while calling out the ways in which the first show’s foundation was cracked" 
United States
"[It] skewers the original in all the right, incisive ways (...) [It] is a smart, often hilarious reimagining of a show that is beloved more on ironic terms than sincere ones" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"In the existing format, we’re just stuck for long stretches in an airless version of what was already pretty dumb 30 years ago." 
United States
The Washington Post
"On Peacock’s new 'Saved by the Bell' reboot, which streams Wednesday, a funnier and more culturally relevant reimagining of Bayside High will make even the most die-hard SBTB fans take notice" 
United States
TV Guide
"There's enough intrigue among the new Bayside class (...) This 'Saved by the Bell' still makes you wonder why it even exists (…) Rating: ★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
"[It] is a self-referential tour de force of fun and nostalgia (...) If you’re an admirer of the original series (...) you’ll love 'Saved by the Bell 2020'" 
United States
AV Club
"[It is] surprisingly funny, balancing its reverence for the original with satire that will no doubt speak to fans who grew up on the show" 
United States
"In the end, 'Saved by the Bell' constantly feels a moment away from forging its own identity, only to be pulled back by nostalgic nods to its predecessor." 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"The reboot is funnier than the original show ever was, but it’s also a far more earnest and socially conscious [affair]" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"[It] isn't quite smart enough (...) [It] has some interesting ideas but falls into a predictable rhythm (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"One of the funniest shows of the year. The young new cast are great, the self-awareness is perfectly balanced, and the returning cast members are given interesting arcs that pay off." 
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