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Mystery. Thriller. Drama Something is awry at Boston General Hospital. Dr. Wheeler's (Genevieve Bujold) friend Nancy goes in for a routine procedure, but never comes out of the anesthesia and slips into a coma. Wheeler learns that a tissue sample from the young woman went to the lab, then soon finds out that a high number of patients have become comatose recently. She digs a little deeper and finds a conspiracy mired in hospital politics, running afoul of the ... [+]
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
Time Out
"A simple enough story, but one told in such chilling fashion that visitors to hospitals will never feel the same again." 
United States
TV Guide
"[It] wastes a superb performance by Bujold on a simplistic, predictable series of cliched suspense scenes, seasoned with some last-minute moralizing about contemporary medicine."
United States
"An extremely entertaining suspense drama in the Hitchcock tradition."
United States
The New York Times
"Plausibility is not always important, but in a film as bereft of distinctive style and wit as Coma, it helps to believe in something. It can even help if one is offended."
United Kingdom
"A suspense-filled nailbiter that plays on a fear no weapon weilding psycho can top." 
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