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Enter the Void

Drama. Fantasy ENTER THE VOID, the "psychedelic melodrama" by Gaspar Noé, is a cinematic thrill ride. Nathaniel Brown and Paz de la Huerta star in a visceral journey set against the thumping, neon club scene of Tokyo, which hurls the viewer into an astonishing trip through life, death, and the universally wonderful and horrible moments between. An immersive and just plain mind-bending experience.
Media Author Review
United States
Chicago Reader
"Noe has kept a pretty low profile since his 2002 drama 'Irreversible' (...) But this epic, psychedelic mindfuck confirms him once again as the cinema's most imaginative nihilist" 
United States
"Not clever enough to be truly pretentious."
United States
AV Club
Enter The Void is a trance-like experience (...) A spectacular hallucinogenic head-trip" 
United States
The New York Times
"With beauty, mild and sharp jolts, and mesmerizing camerawork, he (Gaspar Noe) tries to open the doors of perception" 
United States
"An unbearable exercise in provocation." 
United States
Philadelphia Inquirer
"'Enter the Void' inspires ambivalence. Aside from its technical brilliance, it is an experience equally sublime and infuriating, revelatory and painful, ecstatic and terrifying"
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"Director Gaspar Noé proved a shock poet in 'Irreversible' (2003). In Enter the Void, he's a shockingly tedious show-off"
United States
New York Post
"A dazzling and brutal exercise in cinematic envelope-pushing."
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