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Comedy. Romance Brian Weathersby (PAUL DANO) is a 28 year-old salesman at a high-end Swedish mattress company. The afterthought child to elderly parents (ED ASNER, JANE ALEXANDER), and the youngest son in a trio of successful brothers, a shady oil man (IAN ROBERTS), a surgeon (ROBERT STANTON), Brian is searching for his place in the world. Unfulfilled by his work he spends a good portion of his day pursuing his goal of someday adopting a baby from ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
"An offbeat romantic comedy that almost - but not quite - works. The characters and situations are a little too quirky for their own good." 
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
O"n the basis of Gigantic, Matt Aselton can make a fine and original film. This isn't quite it, but it has moments so good, all you wish for is a second draft"
United States
AV Club
"Any resemblance the film bears to real people and real situations is purely coincidental." 
United States
The New York Times
"With its off-center dialogue and upscale industrial settings, Gigantic strains to be original. But beneath its indie affectations it is really another contemplation of generational misunderstanding" 
United States
New York Daily News
"Dano is a talented actor who needs to aim higher, and it should go without saying that Deschanel can do - and should know - better."
United States
Chicago Reader
"This is loads of fun in the early stretch, as the characters are being introduced, but the story never really goes anywhere."
United States
San Francisco Chronicle
"Inert, incompetent and emotionally fraudulent"
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User history
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Mariano Bergara, Becho Lo Bianco