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Claws (TV Series)

TV Series. Comedy. Drama A look at the life and crimes of five women who work at a Florida nail salon.
Media Author Review
United States
AV Club
"[4th Season Review]: 'Claws' works best (and is most engaging) when it sticks closely to the five women that defined this show’s appeal from the beginning" 
United States
"[3rd Season Review]: [It] is the perfect summer show (...) 'Claws' understands and leans into the tactile nature of the season" 
United States
AV Club
"[3rd Season Review]: [It] continues to hit the jackpot in all its ridiculous splendor (...) An experience that is suspenseful, unorthodox, and relentlessly fun while testing its own boundaries" 
United States
"[3rd Season Review]: [It] finds a way to rise above the absurdity of its own narrative (...) Carrie Preston is the highlight of 'Claws', giving everything (...) to Polly Marks" 
United States
"[2nd Season Review]: I still find it difficult to fully lose myself in its world, partly because its tonal shifts still feel more jarring than organic" 
United States
"Aesthetically, 'Claws' is magnificent (...) It stands out because it portrays a culture that most television uses only as a cipher (...) For its unique details alone, it’s thrilling." 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"A sexy, offbeat addition to your TV queue (...) [It] does an admirable job exploring the lives of the disenfranchised in working-class Florida (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"Nothing about TNT’s 'Claws' is subtle (...) Perhaps the best thing about the show, aside from its excellent cast, is its insistence on revealing the humanity and nuance in flawed female characters" 
United States
The New York Times
"As talented and engaging as the performers are — particularly Ms. Nash and Ms. Preston — they can’t break out of sitcom artificiality (...) Every scene seems to be played with one eye on the audience." 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Stuffed and stretched with quirk (...) The result tilts into showy, but bright and bold excess is what 'Claws' appears to be going for (...) Entertainment via excess certainly has its place" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"A series that favors true situation comedy and stylistic flair above trashy girl and bling clichés (...) The drearily commonplace becomes a mecca of humor [and] drama" 
United States
"Good idea and better cast squandered on a slapdash premise, weak writing and South Florida cliches." 
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"I immediately fell for these well-cast characters and their effortless, warm chemistry (...) My enthusiasm for 'Claws' began to subside halfway through the premiere as familiar tropes and premises take over." 
United States
The Washington Post
"A missed chance to make something beautiful out of Florida’s hot mess (...) Better in concept than execution (...) The show is too eager to imitate other cable crime dramas" 
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