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Horror. Adventure A group of filmmakers looking for a lost native tribe instead find a man-eating monster in this thriller. Terri Flores is a documentary filmmaker on assignment to make a film about the Shirishama Indians of the Amazon, a mysterious tribe known as "the People of the Mists." As Terri and her crew head down the river, they discover a man whose boat has sunk and desperately needs rescue. Paul Sarone, the mysterious stranger that they save ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
The New York Times
"A trashily entertaining reptilian version of 'Jaws' set in the steaming heart of the Amazon rain forest (...) Even scarier than any of the hissing animatronic creatures (...) is the performance of Jon Voight" 
United States
"A silly and plodding 'Jaws' rip-off (...) The visual effects by John Nelson and Animatronic effects by Walt Conti manage to appear expensive and unconvincing all at once" 
United States
"'Anaconda'' did not disappoint me. It's a slick, scary, funny Creature Feature, beautifully photographed and splendidly acted in high adventure style. Its snakes are thoroughly satisfying (…) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
"A silly and plodding 'Jaws'" 
United States
Chicago Reader
"If snakes give you the willies (...) [this] may be just what you're looking for. But you're going to have to put up with a lot of silly characterizations and labored plot turns" 
United States
"The monster looks like a maniacal garden hose in a couple of sequences. Still, it delivers the necessary thrills and chills." 
United States
San Francisco Chronicle
"Anaconda is about a snake that eats everybody. That about says it all." 
United Kingdom
"The movie provides a fair number of laughs, even if you can't help wondering how many of them were actually intentional (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Washington Post
"Feels like 'Alien' as directed by Jim Henson" 
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