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Interview with the Vampire (TV Series)

TV Series. Horror. Fantasy. Drama 7 episodes. Tells the story of the vampire Louis de Pointe du Lac as he recounts his life story to a reporter, in particular how he became a vampire and was then tutored by Lestat de Lioncourt... Series based on Anne Rice's novel of the same name.
Media Author Review
United States
"[2nd Season Review]: a gloriously tangled and compelling part two" 
Screen Rant
"[2nd Season Review]: A bloody, romantic tale worth sinking your teeth into (...) It is just as seductive and horrifying as its first (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"[2nd Season Review]: Dark and lush triumph (...) It’s a soapy, gothic fairy tale full of sensuality, gore, and incredible performances" 
"[2nd Season Review]: With exceptional performances and expansions on Anne Rice’s source material that the author herself would have loved, 'Interview with the Vampire' is once again one of the best series on television" 
United States
"[2nd Season Review]: as fresh as a newly opened vein (...) Seizing the chance to expand Rice’s canvas, 'Interview With the Vampire' keeps adding layers of paint" 
United States
The Wrap
"[2nd Season Review]: The intense and oft-unwieldy ambition of Rice’s saga has never gotten the room to expand that it deserved, but Season 2 of 'Interview with the Vampire' is the best evidence we have yet that it will be possible to make that future happen" 
United States
Bloody Disgusting
"[2nd Season Review]: A sublime evolution of AMC’s Anne Rice TV Series (...) Rating: ★★★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"[2nd Season Review]: bolder, messier, and more complicated than ever" 
United States
"[2nd Season Review]: it is every bit as sexy and scary as the first (...) Driven by fierce performances, it’s a perfect embodiment of vampire stories’ unique ability to combine desire and horror" 
United States
Dread Central
"[2nd Season Review]: it may just be one of the best series of the year" 
United States
TV Guide
"[2nd Season Review]: Rarely do we see such a clever, creative work of adaptation, mining classic vampire tropes for a deliciously energizing take on the genre" 
United States
AV Club
"[2nd Season Review]: it continues to deliver vibrant characters and addictively volatile storytelling" 
United States
Chicago Tribune
"[2nd Season Review]: So richly written, so thrillingly inhabited by its cast, so effortlessly funny (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
"[1st Season Review]: The show's commitment to its history in which it's rooted, not to mention Anderson's deft performance in a uniquely demanding role, justify its coming back from the dead" 
United States
"[1st Season Review]: Surprisingly smart, gloriously pulpy (...) [It] seizes an opportunity to improve upon an inferior adaptation, and has a real sense of fun" 
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"[1st Season Review]: Jacob Anderson and Sam Reid sizzle in Anne Rice's gothic melodrama, which becomes an endearing (if murder-y) relationship dramedy in TV form (...) 'Interview' drains new blood from an old stone" 
United States
TV Guide
"[1st Season Review]: It's the crazy, sexy, queer adaptation Rice's crazy, sexy, queer story always deserved." 
United States
Vanity Fair
"[1st Season Review]: Sam Reid’s Lestat, feasting on every one of his scenes, is what makes the show unmissable" 
United States
"[1st Season Review]: Viewers can get more or less the same events by re-watching Jordan film (...) I choose the Jordan movie for its efficiency, though this version is not without its curiosities and its merits" 
United States
"[1st Season Review]: The road to a new adaptation has been a winding one, but AMC's lush and enthralling series proves that Rice's vampires are in the right hands." 
United States
"[1st Season Review]: Extremely promising start (...) The stakes couldn't be higher for both viewers and the network" 
United States
"[1st Season Review]: The creative liberties 'Interview with the Vampire' takes with its source material produces an adaptation that feels like a natural evolution (...) The two-episode premiere demonstrates immense promise" 
United States
Den of Geek
"[1st Season Review]: The best Anne Rice adaptation ever made (...) an extremely well-crafted, nuanced, and rehearsed vampire story (...) Rating: ★★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"[1st Season Review]: Eventually, 'Interview With the Vampire' needs to come closer to choosing a tone. But it's possible that when you're blending genres like this, a little ongoing chaos is OK" 
United States
"[1st Season Review]: A fully-formed entry point into a world teeming with possibility (...) Regardless of where the series heads next, Louis' enduring appeal (and lingering sense of tragedy) is that his story never has to end at all" 
United States
AV Club
"[1st Season Review]: It's fair to ask whether, at this stage of the game, we need another entry into the blood-bloated vampire canon. But [it] is a novel thing, reclaiming an old story for a new, more enlightened generation" 
United States
Bloody Disgusting
"[1st Season Review]: 'Interview with the Vampire' absolutely proves that this is a story that's worth telling (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Wrap
"[1st Season Review]: Based on what we've seen so far, there's no reason to think the back half of the season won't be as good as the front half, but there's also room for it to be even better" 
United States
"[1st Season Review]: [It] is a bit melodramatic in its manner and baroque in its language, despite the time shift from the novels and film. But it reestablishes its story so well that we can see it continuing for a number of seasons" 
United States
"[1st Season Review]: [It] meaningfully comments on identity, intersectionality, and abuse, while still managing to be an intoxicating series about guys with gigantic incisors who sleep in coffins (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United Kingdom
"[1st Season Review]: With a quartet of knockout performances, this is Rice's bloody, beautiful story told on screen anew. Now finally given the chance to wear its queer heart proudly on its sleeve (...) Rating: ★★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"[1st Season Review]: If you're a purist, you can always turn to Rice's book. It's undeniable, however, that [this] version injects new flavor and nuance into the story" 
Sydney Morning Herald
"[1st Season Review]: A show for lovers of blood and passion and the beauty that can come from the exploration of monsters (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
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