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The 355

Thriller. Mystery. Action The story will be about five women banding together, overcoming their suspicions and conflicts, to use all their considerable talents and training to stop a global organization from acquiring a weapon that could thrust the teetering world into total chaos. Along the way, these strangers and enemies become comrades and friends, and a new faction is formed – code-named “355”, a name they adopt from the first female spy in the American Revolution. [+]
Media Author Review
United States
"As action storytelling, 'The 355' is generic, over-the-top, and 20 minutes too long, kind of like a Netflix movie. But it’s the well-made version of that corporate brew." 
United Kingdom
"A wrong film at the wrong time (...) is insubstantial enough to make Charlie’s Angels seem worthy of that Cannes Competition berth" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"A frustratingly rote caper that ends up being as forgettable as its title (...) The film also can’t decide if it’s skewering the genre or conforming to it (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"[It] comes across as if the screenwriters had gathered the scripts for dozens of similar films in the genre (...) a movie has to pause to tell the audience the origin of its title, it’s either trying too hard (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
ABC News
"'The 355' doesn’t add up to more than a gender flip on the usual macho twaddle (...) What a bummer to start 2022 at the movies with this empty, soulless mess" 
United States
"'The 355' amasses some of the most talented and electrifying actresses in the world, then squanders them in a generic and forgettable action picture (…) Rating: ★ (out of 4)" 
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"Sleek, silly, and surprisingly fun (...) The script is both ludicrous and functional (...) The story moves along crisply, and the stars elevate the material so breezily they tend to make even the most ludicrous moments float" 
United States
The Playlist
"A gaudy and shallow attempt to demonstrate female competency that often embarrassingly overcompensates and thus fails miserably" 
United States
The Wrap
"Female Spy Saga Is as By-the-Numbers as a sudoku (...) t’s lumbering and familiar" 
United Kingdom
"The chases, fights and fun bits of spy craft are brightly and pacily shot, but the 'twists' are barely surprising. These women, and these characters, deserve more (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"Simon Kinberg has no real sense of mood, pacing or style (...) the movie’s greatest spectacle is its ability to embroil extremely talented actresses into a watchably stupid airplane movie" 
United States
Austin Chronicle
"Actors this capable deserve better gear (...) The specifics don't much matter but now's as good time as any to point out 'The 355' utterly fails as a convincing spycraft picture (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"The impulse to put kickass women in charge for a change is commendable, but the journeyman result suggests the pitfalls of starting with the packaging instead of the storytelling inspiration" 
United States
AV Club
"The 355 is the girlboss thriller the world really doesn't need right now (...) there’s also a lack of chemistry between the leads" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"The movie is low-energy entertainment that feels like a letdown given the talent involved (...) Despite a few scattered moments, the team-up action of 'The 355' never fully comes together." 
United States
"A slick, snazzy, globe-trotting adventure filled with plenty of double-crossings, predictable twists, and excellent fight sequences (...) [It] adds something new to the genre without totally upending it." 
United States
Detroit News
"'The 355' boasts a strong cast, and a slick look, but if the effort here is to lay the groundwork for a franchise, the intrigue level just isn't there, and that may prove an impossible mission" 
United States
"This is as standard, direct, and dull as possible (...) The kind of movie you pay half your attention to on an airplane, the movie you glance at distractedly while you fold your laundry" 
United States
Chicago Tribune
"The cast? Not the problem. They save their own movie, here and there. The material might’ve gotten by with a different director; Kinberg, however, offers only frenetic mismanagement of the action scenes (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)" 
Screen Rant
"Shallow and entirely missable (...) 'The 355' is an entertaining if unremarkable spy movie, with predictable story beats and mediocre action that's only somewhat saved by its strong cast (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"'The 355' is loaded with star power but adds up to less than the sum of its parts (...) While the action is plentiful, there's nothing especially novel about it, and the twists feel pretty well telegraphed." 
United States
"A strong team in a weak film (...) Kinberg desperately wants this to operate on the same level as other venerable action franchises but that kind of quality requires careful plotting and thoughtful writing" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"There are a lot of good intentions in this tweak to the old-fashioned, international spy-vs-spy movie template — and not much else" 
United States
Den of Geek
"A frustratingly botched opportunity to do something significant. Despite the dazzling tools and assets at their disposal, this effort can safely be filed under DOA (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Film Stage
"The plot is obvious with every twist and turn proving easy to decipher, but the execution is effectively drawn regardless. And the rapport shared between its stars—the main draw anyway—does prove itself to be worth the price of admission." 
United States
"'The 355' peddles a blend of trite empowerment and empty genre thrills (...) Their jumbled and unimpressive action scenes are a far cry from the thrills that they dream of emulating (…) Rating: ★ (out of 4)" 
Screen Anarchy
"Individually and collectively, the cast elevates Kinberg's banal dialogue and indifferent direction into watchable, diversionary, if ultimately disposable entertainment for fans of the genre or the cast" 
United States
Ready Steady Cut
"Here's the 411 on 'The 355' ––it's a bloated bore (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
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