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Magic Mike XXL

Comedy Three years after Mike bowed out of the stripper life at the top of his game, he and the remaining Kings of Tampa hit the road to Myrtle Beach to put on one last blow-out performance.
Media Author Review
United States
"The sequel could have gone any number of directions, but all involved share the goal of delighting their female fan base, taking special care to extend the magic to groups neglected by the previous film" 
United Kingdom
"Sexier, funnier and soapier than the original. (...) Rating. ★★★★ (out of five)" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Ridiculously entertaining (...) the film makes you feel that you're just hanging out with some raucous and funny guys" 
United States
New York Daily News
"Sorry, ladies, but the biggest bulge in 'Magic Mike XXL' is the one in the movie's finely developed heart muscle. (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of five)" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"It's exactly the same thing all over again for these muscly romantic troubadours, except with less plot, less character, less interest and no Matthew McConaughey (...) Rating: ★★ (out of five)" 
United States
Chicago Tribune
"It retains the original's sunny, democratic vibe and refreshing lack of meanness. (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of four)" 
United States
The New York Times
"Rather than trying to replay the first episode and expand on its themes, this installment tosses it all aside (...) and throws itself headlong into the intoxicating carnality of what is demurely called 'male entertainment'." 
United States
Rolling Stone
"'Magic Mike XXL' delivers rowdy, raunchy fun. (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of four)" 
United States
"'Magic Mike XX'L keeps its aspirations low enough to satisfy only the simplest of expectations; at the end of the day, it's just another party, but sometimes a party is just good enough." 
United States
Village Voice
"Though saddled with plenty of obstacles, including the absence of Matthew McConaughey, 'XXL' has an agreeably ramshackle spirit and another winning turn from Channing Tatum" 
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