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Romance. Drama Breezy, played by Kay Lenz, doesn't know where her next meal is coming from. She hangs out on the streets, crashing at anybody's pad that will have her for the night. She's young, a free-spirit, and can only see the good in any situation thrown her way. She welcomes life with open arms, and it seems to smile down on her as well. Frank Harmon (Holden), on the other hand is a middle-aged well-to do Real Estate broker, who's heart has ... [+]
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
Time Out
"It's performed beautifully, laced with a quietly ironic wit, and quite lovely to look at." 
United States
"Clint Eastwood's third directorial effort is an okay contemporary drama about middle-aged William Holden falling for teenage Kay Lenz"
United States
Village Voice
"A love story in which almost everything works and you don't come out of the theatre half hating yourself for succumbing to its charm"
United States
TV Guide
"Breezy is a small, personal film that allowed Eastwood to work with talented actors and experiment with directorial style. If he had chosen a more intelligent script, he could have produced a minor classic."
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